
Showing posts from October, 2020

Gear up!

  Traveling during the China Virus Pandemic Since the beginning of this virus, we've seen a significant drop in domestic and international travel, especially in aviation. Recently, several articles have written about just how safe it is to travel without contracting the virus. The Department of Defense, along with other civilian agencies, has published research suggesting that it is significantly safer to fly than originally thought.  With this new research in mind, are you more likely to travel? Or are you just sticking it out and waiting until a vaccine becomes available? (assuming one does get approved) Here are some articles that I found on the topic, enjoy!

Raider 69, Dallas Center, turn right heading 069 immediately!

 Hey, Y'all!  In these crazy times, I've wanted to find a place to talk about my flying experiences and share a few fun stores and memes! Feel free to share your own funny/exciting experiences and memes :p!  The memes complied are just ones I enjoy!